Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spiritual Pilgrimage Day 6: River Jordan, Jericho and Judean Desert


An early morning Mass on the Mt. of Beatitudes will begin the day. We will drive along the Jordan Valley, southward to the Jordan River, the site of our Lord’s Baptism. The group will renew their Baptism vows where St. John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. After lunch in Jericho the group will experience floating in the Dead Sea. The area of Jericho and the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth below sea level. The Judean Desert is nearby; our Lord spent 40 days and 40 nights in prayer and fasting in the Judean Desert. The group will spend 40 minutes in this desert, contemplating the Lord’s time in that area, then on to Bethlehem!

Prayer: Because of the Holy Spirit who has been poured forth in our hearts, we are no longer slaves but children of God and can sing…Our Father who art in Heaven…..!

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