Thank you women who work! You are present and active in every area of life – social, economic, cultural, artistic and political. In this way you make an indispensable contribution to the growth of a culture which unites reason and feeling, … to the establishment of economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity.
Although the world may give us statistics that are startling, we receive wise insight from the Vicar of Christ on the dignity and vocation of woman.

Women are present and active in so many areas of life – from the home, to parish community, to social organizations, elderly family care, the work place and other areas. Since it is the very nature of women to be compassionate, have concern for the other, nourish and multi-task; she also needs to realize the love of God and the importance of knowing her vocation and dignity as a woman.
An outreach has been born to specifically reach the professional woman called "Catholic Professional Women's Luncheons." The luncheons are scheduled throughout the year to offer spiritual nourishment to the professional woman today. Through a speaker/lunch format, women will discover the importance of their vocation as woman, and will be encouraged to sanctify and transform culture through the gift of their femininity.
The first Catholic Professional Women’s Luncheon is scheduled on Thursday, March 25 at the San Francisco Steak House Restaurant on Sahara Drive and San Pedro Avenue in San Antonio, TX, from 11:30am to 1:00pm; followed by an optional social time from 1:00pm to 1:30pm. The cost is $45.00. Organized and sponsored by the Pilgrim Center of Hope Steering Committee, we invite you to go to this website for details and to register. Seating is limited, please register early.
The Catholic Professional Woman’s Luncheon is under the spiritual patronage of Our Lady of Good Counsel and St. Edith Stein. Stein said:
Women must become broad, tranquil, emptied of self, warm and transparent. Only hearts that are emptied and silent can be penetrated by grace, with its power to form women into the loving persons they are intended to be. Before they can be ready to assist others, women first need to be securely anchored in their own depths.*(Department of Labor, 1999 –
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