“Mommy, fix it.”
These are the words I hear everyday, all day long. My 2 year-old son thinks I can fix anything and everything. He is lucky that between my husband and me, we can fix most things he needs. (Except for last summer, when he broke a lamp in someone else’s house. That was something I wish we could have fixed.) Last week he found my husband’s glasses and had them twisted before I could stop him. He looked at me not knowing he had done anything wrong and simply said, “Broken. Mommy, fix it.”
Today as I was untangling some string, he repeated over and over, “Fix it, Mommy.” It doesn’t occur to him that perhaps there are some things we can’t do. He is completely trusting and unquestioning.
It was in this moment that everything was so clear. This is the childlike trust Jesus wants us to have in Him. “Jesus I’m in need. I trust you. Please fix it.”
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