Saturday, April 24, 2010

Meeting St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi

Numerous gardens have statues of Saint Francis; either holding a dove or by a water fountain. Meeting the man who was once called "king of the party" in Assisi by his friends who also came from wealthy families...a young man who disrobed in front of his father, and the public in the center of Assisi to renounce everything in the world in order to follow Christ...this man is the REAL St. Francis! Ah yes, he wrote about and to the Creation of the world - calling the Sun, Brother Sun and the moon, Sister Moon and preaching to the birds, the animals. Walking througbh the cobblestone streets of Assisi is like walking in the footsteps of this unique young man who lived in the 12th century.

The pilgrim group was introduced to this man, Francis by an American who lives in Assisi as a third order member of the Franciscan Religious community. His Ministry to introduce Francis to pilgrims, to visitors by giving them a tour of the Basilica of St. Francis where the Saint's body is entombed, frescoes dating to thee 12th century and his relics. Francis came alive for us! It was now someone we wanted to learn more about...Francis - a man of peace, a man loved by all peoples. His friend, St. Clare's body is found incorrupt today. Only Catholics get excited about incorrupt 'bodies' of holy men and women!

Clare and us to appreciate the moon, the sun, the!

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