Friday, July 24, 2009

A Spiritual Pilgrimage to The Holyland: July 25 – August 6

Fr. Mary David Hoyt of the Congregation of St. John, Deacon Tom & Mary Jane Fox of The Pilgrim Center of Hope and 33 pilgrims invite you to join them on their Holy Land Pilgrimage through prayer!

The family and friends of all those traveling on this pilgrimage will be offered in prayer during daily Mass while in the Holy Land. Join us on this “spiritual pilgrimage” by RSS subscribing to this blog or visiting us here daily from July 25 - August 6th.

Please pray for the pilgrims in the Holy Land, as well as your own intentions and those of the Church.

“Although I cannot be there physically, I nevertheless feel that I am spiritually a pilgrim in that land where our reconciliation with God was brought about, to beg the Prince of Peace for the gift of redemption and of peace which is so earnestly desired by the hearts of people, families and nations – in a special way by the nations, which inhabit this very area.”
John Paul II (April 1984)

“On one hand, faith must keep us in a constant attitude of humility before God, more than that, of adoration and praise in relation to him. In fact, what we are as Christians we owe only to him and to his grace. Our radical belonging to Christ and the fact that 'we are in him' must infuse in us an attitude of complete confidence and immense joy. ”
Pope Benedict XVI (November 2006)

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