Why the name Catholcism Live for a blog?
Well, we believe that our Catholic faith should be alive at every moment of our lives. Let us introduce ourselves; we are Deacon Tom Fox and Mary Jane Fox; evangelists and full-time servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. After encountering the Risen Lord on a Holy Land Pilgrimage; we believed we were called to leave our respective careers in hotel management & the travel industry to work full-time for the Church. We thought of becoming missionaries in a foreign land; we were ready to sell our house, cars and whatever else to make the transition. Our parish pastor, Msgr. John Flynn, in hearing about our desire to become missionaries offered us a full time position St. Matthews Catholic Church through a Home Visitation Ministry. For almost seven years, our main ministry was door-to-door home visitation, which resulted in establishing many outreach ministries in the parish. Tom was ordained to the permanent Diaconate in August 1988.
Remember in the 1990’s John Paul II’s call to a “new evangelization”? In 1993 we founded the Pilgrim Center of Hope with the blessing of Archbishop Patrick Flores to serve the Archdiocese of San Antonio as a Catholic Evangelization Center. The mission of this Apostolate is to guide individuals, families and neighborhoods toward finding a deeper relationship with Christ through evangelization (living and sharing the faith). This is the main reason we chose “Catholicism Live!”
This Apostolate is about Catholic Evangelization, organizing annual Catholic Women’s Conferences and Catholic Men’s Conferences, pilgrimages to the Holy Land and other destinations in Europe and a Holy Land mission.
Since 1984, we have traveled to the Holy Land over 35, leading numerous groups on pilgrimage. Our experience of meeting the Christians in the Holy Land has given us education as well as a spiritual experience of the Holy sites.
Among the work of Evangelization, we enjoy co-hosting a weekly television "live" series on Catholic Television of San Antonio (CTSA/15) called "Catholicism Live!" which is simulcasted on Guadalupe Radio 89.7FM. A great opportunity to reach many in South Texas!
We have been the opportunity to give presentations on the experiences of our ministry at parishes in California, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mexico, and Texas. We have also assisted the pastor of St. Ignatius Parish in Belize City, Belize, Central America in June of 1989 and June 1990, in a parish-wide evangelization effort
Articles have been written on the Home Visitation Ministry as well as The Pilgrim Center of Hope in 5 nationwide Catholic periodicals. The Pilgrim Center of Hope was presented on The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) show, Living His Life Abundantly in 1995 in the video I Am The Bread of Life produced by Stepstone Productions, Inc.
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